This is a great little sewing project for using up some fabric scraps. Pretty easy to sew together, the most time consuming part is going through the scrap pile and trimming each piece of fabric to size.
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This is much easier and quicker to make than it looks and once you get the hang of it, you will never need to buy bias tape or dread making binding again!
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For Christmas this year I decided to make patchwork blankets for my two stepdaughters.
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New in my Etsy Shop – a patchwork panda to go with my patchwork owls! I made him for a lovely customer of mine who had a request for a panda in red, black and white.
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For the past 18 months I’ve been tolerating some drab curtains in our kitchen/eating area. I had bought some thermal drapes on sale in the hopes of keeping out some of the intense afternoon heat and light.
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On my recent trip to Australia I attempted my first big sewing project. My goal was to make three patchwork bedspreads, one for my niece’s double bed and another two for each of my nephew’s single (twin) beds.
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My lovely customer, Larissa, who previously had a special request for a pirate dog, asked me if I could custom make another plush toy, but this time for her daughter’s upcoming birthday. Larissa came up with the idea of a Fairy Pig as her daughter’s favorite animal at the moment is a pig and she also loves to dress up as a fairy. What a great idea!
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These are a few of my favorite things around our home:
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This week has been busy busy busy in my studio with lots of orders, including this special request for a pirate dog. Arrr, arrr! Has a front pocket for stashing treasure – I really like pockets on plush toys, I think I will continue making more stuffed animals that include a pocket.
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The floor near our kitchen sink is always getting little drops and splashes of water on it while we are washing up, so this was my solution. A scrappy patchwork rug! This is another easy sewing project to do and a great way to use up any fabric scraps you may have, especially if you have a mixture of different kinds of fabric. Read more
For a while now I have been admiring the raggy and fluffy edges of rag quilts, but most rag quilts I have seen on the internet are made with squares and the bulky, chunky look of them put a damper on my admiration.
And then I stumbled on a rag quilt that was made with strips which fired me up again. Read more
***Entries for this giveaway are now closed.***
AND THE WINNER IS …>>> click here
Well, actually it’s for 5 days – Monday Dec 12 to Friday Dec 16.
For this giveaway I am going to give you a choice of two patchwork owl pillow plush toys – one is for a girl and one is for a boy – the winner gets to choose which one they would like!
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It’s almost here – the big Giveaway Day hosted by Sew Mama Sew!
Thankfully some supplies I ordered last week got delivered today – just in time to make what I plan to giveaway next week. Gotta say, am quite excited :P !!!
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My step-daughter turned six this year and for her birthday I said I would make her a bag and wallet. I found an excellent tutorial on how to make a basic messenger bag by mmmcrafts and thought I would try it out. Read more
Since making these delightful patchwork owls for my Etsy Shop, I have noticed that owls have been visiting us at night, hoo hooing away while we are watching TV or getting ready for bed. At first I couldn’t work out where the sound was coming from, thinking that it was part of the TV show we were watching, but then I realized it was coming from the chimney. And sure enough when I went outside, I could see an owl perched on top of our chimney, and another sitting on the neighbor’s chimney!
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It’s complete! About two weeks ago I bought the Ryan Berkley embroidery pattern from Sublime Stitching and was very excited that I could combine the two as I’m a big fan of both. I just LOVE how they have turned out! Read more
Inspired by a webcam chat I had with my family last week I made this 2 tier ruffled skirt for my niece who is about to turn a big one soon. It turned out SUPER cute! How could it not with inspiration like this?
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I’ve joined the weekly illustration challenge of Illustration Friday! (You can find out more about this here and while you’re at it, why not join in on the weekly fun!) This week’s theme is “Journey” and for it I embarked on my first ever free motion sewing exercise combined with some applique. Overall dimensions are about 6.75″ x 7.25″ (17 x 18cm).
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Seams to Me: 24 New Reasons to Love Sewing
by Anna Maria Horner
This is a really delightful book, full of color and punch, a feast for the eyes. Anna Maria Horner has a knack for putting together a mish mash of fabric patterns and designs that has a way of clashing yet complementing each other. The results are truly wonderful and uplifting.
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Always one to be on the look out for bargains, I had bought some cork coasters from IKEA. They were cheap and looked good, but after only a few uses, they started to warp and tear. Since I have been doing more sewing, my fabric scrap pile has been growing quite high. One night while making some cotton backed wash cloths, I thought to myself, “why not make coasters out of my fabric scraps!” I’m sure I’m not the first to come up with this idea, but I thought I would share it anyway.
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The Triple French Knot is an embroidery stitch, but can also be used when making Amigurumi Crochet Animals.
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