Needle Felting Cuteness
January 23rd, 2014
My stepdaughter, Miss A, and I tried out needle felting for the first time and, oh my, what a whole lot of cuteness in a small package!
It was a friend’s birthday and Miss A wanted to make something for her (so nice and thoughtful!). After a google search, she was very excited to come across a great youtube tutorial on how to make a cute needle felted poodle puppy. Her enthusiasm for wanting to try out needle felting and make the puppies was infectious and pretty soon we were out the door to Joanns to buy our supplies and back home again to get started.
Not sure how many times Miss A watched the tutorial, but it sure kept her busy and motivated to do a good job (thank you youtube and bubzbeauty!). After many hours of stabbing, a couple of pricked fingers and a broken needle (lucky we bought two needle felting kits), the results speak for themselves. Certainly an impressive effort for an eight year old, well done Miss A!
For the cute little needle felted schnauzer puppy, we followed the youtube tutorial: DIY Puppy Plushie by bubzbeauty.
All wrapped up ready for the birthday party. I hope Miss A’s friend enjoys and appreciates her handmade gift. I sure would if I received a gift like this! :)