Patchwork Panda
March 19th, 2014
New in my Etsy Shop – a patchwork panda to go with my patchwork owls! I made him for a lovely customer of mine who had a request for a panda in red, black and white.
The bow tie was a little something extra that I added. It makes him look rather dapper, don’t you think? This turned out to be the perfect opportunity to finally complete a patchwork panda for my shop as I had been working on a prototype months and months before, but had put it on the back-burner (like so many other ideas and half-completed projects).
Would make a great unisex gift not only for a baby or toddler, but also a teenager! Patchwork Panda can be purchased here.
Hi Angie!!!
I was browsing the internet and thought of you guys! I love your creations too. We are doing great. Just got our chickens ordered. :) We have an acre here and have been trying to clear it of blackberries, holly, ivy, etc. it has been a beast but have still managed to get our greens transplanted and ready for growing season. We hope to get in the Olympia FM around April. We hope you guys are doing great. Send a note sometime! How are the goats, chickens, etc?? :)